What Are the Symptoms of Whiplash After a Car Accident?

Mount Laurel Personal Injury Attorney | Call 856-751-2345 > Blog > What Are the Symptoms of Whiplash After a Car Accident?

When you experience a particularly serious car accident, the impact and force that the collision exerts on your body can result in a variety of physical injuries. One of the most common of these is whiplash, which you might feel even in minor collisions. However, though the whiplash itself might not feel serious at the time, the short- and long-term symptoms can significantly impact your quality of life.

At the Law Office of David S. Rochman, our experienced car accident attorneys have helped several whiplash victims through their post-accident circumstances.

What Is Whiplash?

When some external force causes your head to suddenly jerk backward and then forward rapidly, you have experienced whiplash. Rear-end car collisions are notorious for these types of injuries, which strain the muscles and ligaments.

Victims of whiplash in the immediate aftermath of car accidents have reported either mild or severe neck pain and stiffness, headaches that typically start at the base of the skull, and shoulder or back pain that can radiate down to your arms. All of these injuries can impair your movement, which can help medical experts quickly diagnose whiplash.

What Are the Delayed Symptoms of Whiplash?

However, whiplash symptoms sometimes wait to appear for hours — or even days — after a car accident. Some victims have reported dizziness, fatigue, or unusual exhaustion in the days following, which can make it difficult to perform daily activities. Others have experienced inexplicable trouble falling or staying asleep, which compounds any present fatigue or pain.

Other delayed symptoms of whiplash are more acute; some car accident victims have gone through periods of blurred vision, tinnitus, mood swings, or unexplainable depressive episodes.

How to Recognize Severe Symptoms of Whiplash

While some car accident victims have solved their cases of whiplash with time and appropriate care, more severe cases demand constant medical attention and supervision. For instance, some victims have reported unbearable neck pain that does not get better, even with over-the-counter pain relief.

Others have experienced numbness, tingling, or weakness in their arms and legs — if you experience these sensations, though you might dismiss them as minor episodes of discomfort, the tingling can indicate nerve damage that requires immediate medical evaluation.

Lastly, whiplash victims in the workforce have reported cognitive difficulties with memory, concentration, or reasoning that impair their ability to perform their duties.

What Should You Do If You Suspect Whiplash?

Even if your symptoms feel minor, if you suspect whiplash because of your car accident, you need to seek medical attention. The earlier you catch and treat your injury, the better your chances of preventing any complications down the road.

Make sure to schedule an appointment with a reputable physician in your area to discuss your symptoms and undergo any necessary tests. If your symptoms feel particularly uncomfortable, consider visiting an urgent care center near you.

Once you have seen your medical provider, make sure to adhere to any treatment plans that they prescribe, including medications, physical therapy, and rest.

After receiving a medical evaluation for your injury, if you believe that the accident was caused by negligence on the part of the other drivers involved, consider contacting an experienced personal injury attorney to evaluate your options and recover your medical expenses via a claim.

A Mount Laurel Car Accident Lawyer at the Law Office of David S. Rochman Will Help You Today

A seasoned Mount Laurel car accident lawyer at the Law Office of David S. Rochman will assist if you have whiplash from a crash. If you believe that another motorist caused your accident, fill out our online contact form or call us at 856-751-2345. Our office in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, serves clients in Burlington County and the surrounding areas.